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it’s really okay to explore in running shoes

Wear comfortable light footwear and small day pack and you will enjoy the trails and bracing mountain scenery.

Weight on your feet will zap 4-6 times more energy than weight on your back.


We are a working farm in the middle of enormous natural forest in Mid North Coast N.S.W, with cascading waterfalls and towering trees, a light daypack and water is all you need to start a wonderful adventure.



Ellenborough Falls is a horsetail waterfall on the Bulga Plateau and nearby.

At 200 metres, Ellenborough Falls is the tallest single drop waterfall in New South Wales and amongst the tallest in the southern hemisphere. It's an iconic experience of the Manning Valley area in the Barrington Coast.

At the top of the falls near the car park is the first viewing platform and nearby there's a short walk to another viewing area near the waterfall drop-off. Both of these are easy effort.

A strenuous option is to descend 641 steps to the bottom of the falls to see the waters tumbling down towards you from the bottom of the ravine.

At the falls there is a kiosk, picnic tables and a barbecue area. 

   .......enjoy a gourmet coffee and cake after an explore.

The Ellenborough Falls Reserve covers an area of approximately 130 ha, 80% of which is heavily
vegetated with an extensive diverse range of indigenous flora consisting of:Cool Temperate
Rainforest: Booyong, Coachwood, Myrtle/vineyscrub; Sclerophyll Forest: Sydney Bluegum, Tallow‐wood, Red Mahogony,Brush Box. Along the trails the trees are identified.

Onthe Bulga Plateau you can enjoy magnificent forest environments, crystal clear creeks, falls, rapids & breathtaking views.

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